Sunday, April 22, 2012

Experiments in Fried Pickles - The first review

One of my favorite things in life is the guilty pleasure of eating fried pickles. Is this relevant to grad school you ask? Absolutely not. Is this healthy? Um, no. Is it my goal to try every fried pickle in all of Seattle? Yes, yes, and YES! I plan to regularly interrupt my graduate blog with references to pickles.

So, here it begins:

Time to take a trip down the Rabbit Hole, the new Rabbit Hole bar in Belltown that is.
Bunny themes galore, and don't forget skee ball and an old school Dr. Who pinball machine. The house drinks are all bunny themed too. I tried a Donnie Darko - dark spiced rum with ginger beer and allspice, I probably would have liked it if not for the allspice. The graphic will show you some lovely hushpuppies with lavender honey, totally try them!

Now on to the big stuff: Frickles = Fried Pickles
Sliced pickles that are deep fried in a crispy batter. These things are crunchy!!! Not burnt, just crunchy. the pickle itself tastes like the dill slice you would find on a cheeseburger. It's a little sour and not at all spicy. The beer mustard sauce is great - if I were eating it on a bratwurst or cornedbeef. It's a very mustardy and rather runny beer sauce with a lot of flavor. I'm from South Dakota, which means I prefer Ranch dressing with almost everything and these pickles were no exception. Crunchy, crunchy goodness dipped in Ranch. See some in the picture I took:
 The only downside to these was that with all the deepfry grease, my stomach felt pretty heavy for hours. Taste, price, and decor make these a win however. I rate 3 pickles and a pickle spear out of 5. If you want to try them yourself, go here:

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